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Anastasia Carbonari confirmed as champion of Latvia

Anastasia Carbonari confirmed as champion of Latvia

June 21, 2024

UAE Team ADQ rider Anastasia Carbonari was confirmed as the national champion of the road race in Latvia for the third year in a row.

UAE Team ADQ rider Anastasia Carbonari was confirmed as the national champion of the road race in Latvia for the third year in a row.

It was by no means a foregone conclusion, as just three weeks ago the latvian athlete was the victim of a crash at RideLondon that cost her a fractured collarbone and subsequent surgery. Only a fortnight ago she was able to return to training on her bike and with great determination she managed to achieve one of her big goals of the season.

The race took place in Võru, Estonia, and saw riders from Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania competing in the same competition. Anastasia Carbonari had entered an early breakaway that was then cancelled by the peloton. Then, due to a moment of distraction, she was left out of the breakaway that escaped and decided the race. She finished in ninth place, good enough for the title because she was the first rider from Latvia to cross the finish line.

Anastasia Carbonari said: “It was very hard for me because I am obviously not in the best physical condition. It has only been three weeks since the surgery and I have only been able to return to training for a fortnight. It was important for me to win this jersey again as I will also be the only Latvian rider at the next Olympics and it will be a great honour for me to be able to represent my country for another year in the most important competitions in the world. So I did the maximum that was within my possibilities also for the recovery. For this I want to thank the whole UAE Team ADQ and in particular the medical staff and coaches who were very close to me and helped me and without them I would certainly never have made it to recovery so quickly. I am happy with this title and from here we will start again in search of the best possible shape”.